Sunday, January 8, 2017

3 Steps to Get Your Child to LISTEN!

(no response)

“Johnny, did you clean your room yet!?”

Every parent has been in the situation where they feel like their child just won’t follow directions. It doesn’t matter if your child is 3 years old or 13 years old, sometimes that ‘selective hearing’ just kicks in. Sometimes your child can be distracted, or even defiant. Often times, an adjustment to our approach can make all the

Here are 3 easy steps that may help your easiily-distracted child (no guarantee it works on spouses!):

1)    Make sure your child is actually listening!

Kids get distracted – we all know this! Make sure that before you even give the instructions, you have your child’s full attention. Disconnect them from what they’re doing – turn off the TV, video games, etc.  Better yet, move them into a completely different room so their attention is fully on you.

2)    Set them up for success when giving the instructions

All people learn 3 ways: Visually, audibly and kinesthetically. In our martial arts classes at American Martial Arts Academy, we’ve found our instructions  must always teach these 3 ways, regardless of how we learn best.

Visually:  Always make sure you have eye contact before you talk.  If you are giving your child instructions, give them your full attention and expect their full attention.

Talk at your child’s level. Bend down to their level, or move to their side of the room, rather than yelling from across the hall.

Audibly: Limit any distractions while giving instructions. Turn off the TV (even if you’re the one watching it) or turn off the blender.   During the task, make sure your child can focus as well.

Kinesthetically: Some children can be very kinesthetic. For younger kids, hold their hands (rubbing their hands with your fingers) as you talk to them.  Get them to verbalize back the instructions (with eye contact!)

3)    Follow-up on the task
A great strategy for a lot of children can be to visually display the task, perhaps on a white-board on the fridge.  Everyone loves crossing off an item on the to-do list; when they’re done, let them cross it out!

Remember to keep instructions limited to a small amount.  For kids younger than 8, I recommend 1-2 instructions at the most!   For larger tasks, use your discretion to allow them small breaks.

Bonus Pro Tips:

Remember, anger and frustration helps nobody.  We all fall short sometimes, and we all procrastinate!  Use these opportunities as learning, fun experiences.

Find an outlet for the extra energy. Some kids just have lots of restless energy. Find a sport or activtity like martial arts that will help your child build focus while having fun.

We hope this helps- as always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at
(714) 646-9635

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Placentia & Yorba Linda Karate Welcome Video

For more details visit:  
or call (714) 646-9635

Monday, August 15, 2016

Why Today’s Attempted Child Kidnapping in Placentia Failed!

Why Today’s Attempted
Child Kidnapping in Placentia Failed!

We were alerted that there was an attempted child kidnapping in Placentia today around 3:30pm. A 7-year old girl was on a scooter near her house when a man jumped out and tried to grab her, according to Police Captain Eric Point.“She was able to break free and start screaming, at which time he fled the area.”  More details are at:

This story is a timely reminder of AMAA’s self-defense principles.  Please take a moment to talk to your friends, family, and other loved ones about these 3 safety tips:

  1. Don’t be there!
The number one rule of self-defense we teach at AMAA is ‘Don’t be there!’  Keep your children supervised at all times, and teach them to always stay within viewing distance (even if they see another familiar face).
  1. Use your voice!
The number one weapon we have in self-defense is our VOICE!  Be LOUD! Yell ANYTHING!  “FIRE!” “STRANGER!” Anything!    By yelling and screaming, this girl scared away her attacker and most likely saved her life!
  1. Make sure your child knows how to react fast to grabs
Most attackers will grab children – which is why we teach children how to get out of various grabs on a weekly basis here at AMAA.  Learn what they are learning here at AMAA, and practice with them on a regular basis.

We encourage you to reinforce these life-saving principles with your friends, family and loved ones. Pass this email on and talk about it with your kids over dinner this week.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us directly at or (714) 646-9635.


Sensei Joshi

Monday, March 7, 2016

How We Build Confidence in Kids...

Walk the Walk...

You've heard it before, Martial Arts Builds Confidence.... Here's how!

Any questions, feel free to contact us directly at (714) 646-9635 or 

Come Check It Out with a Free Week & Free Uniform!

You've always wanted to try it - NOW is the Time!

Come Try out a FREE Week with a FREE Uniform!

Experience what our students LOVE about
No Obligation after Free Week!

CALL NOW to Schedule
(714) 646-9635



Monday, February 8, 2016

Bring in your books!

Please bring in your new or gently used childrens'/teens' books for 

the Sierra Vista Elementary School Library!

American Martial Arts Academy is proud to support our local schools. 
If you know of a need for anything in another school, please let us know!